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Welcome to Asian Community Alliance

ACA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to educate, empower, inspire, and create healthy Asian families and communities. ACA provides a neutral venue through which Asians are able to communicate their concerns in a non-threatening manner. The organization continues to educate individuals on available community resources.

Get In Touch

Phone: (513) 318-9223
Address: 7577 Central Parke Blvd. Suite #222 Mason OH 45040

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What you need to know if your child is depressed. (No. 1: You are not a failure.)

Perspective | What you need to know if your child is depressed. (No. 1: You are not a failure.)

A woman walked into an emergency room with her 13-year-old son, her lips pursed. He was there for a psychiatric evaluation for suicidal thoughts that he had voiced to his school counselor. After my evaluation of her son, I sat down with her to talk. She didn’t look pleased.


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