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Welcome to Asian Community Alliance

ACA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to educate, empower, inspire, and create healthy Asian families and communities. ACA provides a neutral venue through which Asians are able to communicate their concerns in a non-threatening manner. The organization continues to educate individuals on available community resources.

Get In Touch

Phone: (513) 318-9223
Address: 7577 Central Parke Blvd. Suite #222 Mason OH 45040

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Asian Americans are still caught in the trap of the ‘Model Minority’ stereotype. And it creates Inequality for all

This informative article explores the complexity of the model minority stereotype, how it intersects with other forms of racism, and what we need to do form a more perfect union.

“This is what it means to be a model minority: to be invisible in most circumstances because we are doing what we are supposed to be doing, like my parents, until we become hypervisible because we are doing what we do too well, like the Korean shopkeepers. Then the model minority becomes the Asian invasion, and the Asian-American model minority, which had served to prove the success of capitalism, bears the blame when capitalism fails.”

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